Getting Your Workout Mojo Back with These 7 Simple Tips

Whether you're a seasoned veteran or just starting out, one thing that unifies everyone is that we sometimes experience a lack of motivation. Of course, it's only a fleeting emotion, and before you know it, with our help you'll be back doing reps.

Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or just starting out, one thing that unifies everyone is that we sometimes experience a lack of motivation. Of course, it’s only a fleeting emotion, and before you know it, with our help you’ll be back doing reps.

But, if you need to restart your exercise regime and get back on track, there are a few basic modifications you can make to your everyday routine to help you get there. Follow our ideas below, and you’ll be motivated again in no time.

Write it down

If you’re having trouble keeping track of your goals, putting them down in writing — whether it’s losing weight, finishing a workout faster than before, or improving your lift with a new PR — might be beneficial. And research backs this up. Writing down one’s objectives has a positive effect on one’s life. According to a 270-person Dominican University research, people were 42% more likely to achieve their goals after writing them down.

Learn a New Skill

When your workouts or training sessions begin to feel a little routine, go back to school and pick up a new skill. Try taking part in one of our Arena classes, where your workout is designed for you, and you’ll get to use equipment in creative ways.

Phone a Friend

Can’t go it alone? Invite a buddy to sweat along with you. University of Aberdeen research revealed that people who exercised with a friend exercised more than those who did not.

Refresh Your Feeds

It’s no secret that we’ve been spending more time on social media in recent years. It’s a helpful tool for keeping in touch with family and friends. But, by re-calibrating your “following” list — from unfollowing undesirable accounts to subscribing to fresh, uplifting feeds – you may discover new workouts.

Work Towards a Goal

If you’re planning for self-improvement, consider shifting your attention to working toward a specific aim. Whether you want to run further each week, save more time for exercise every week, or simply get up earlier every morning for a walk, setting objectives is an effective method of keeping yourself accountable. 

Reframe the Task

If you want to speed up, consider approaching a training session in a different way. Consider the short- and long-term advantages of regular exercise rather than how difficult running or performing reps during a workout will be. A 2008 McGill University and University of Massachusetts research study show that reframing activities as something you desire rather than have to do makes you 24 per cent more likely to succeed. Those are good odds for us.

Build a New Playlist

Are you ready to modify your routine? During exercise, listening to high-tempo music was found in a study published in the journal Frontiers in Psychology to have a significant impact on how hard participants perceived an activity. “Listening to high-tempo music while exercising resulted in the highest heart rate and lowest perceived exertion compared with not listening to music,” said study author Professor Luca P. Ardigò. 

A 24-person Samford University study found that participants who listened to music while exercising — in comparison to those who did not — were able to complete more reps during the bench press.

So if you’re looking for ways to keep your workout routine fresh, there are plenty of options to choose from.

Don’t Stop Here

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