Fitness for men has over the years changed considerably, with concepts like CrossFit, Spinning and P90X being at the front of trends in recent years. These days workout out has taken a very scientific, technological, and engaging approach. The rise of apps and training programs over an incredible variety of training plans for one to use ensures that you will never be bored.
What is the new trend for men?
The hybrid athlete is a term that is seen all around social media now. Being able to move athletically and without restriction is the aim of being a Hybrid athlete. The better you can move, the more likely you are to lose fat, build muscle, have improved cardio and be more flexible. Many social media influencers like Nick Bare, owner of Bare performance nutrition and YouTube vlogger Fergus Crawley have taken the Hybrid Athlete training method and put it to the test by completing incredible endurance events like Ironman and long-distance running with strength training. Training programs have started mixing body-building strength with cardio, and cross-functional training men are getting stronger, building lean muscle, and getting fitter at the same time. Part of the aim of this new philosophy of training is to build healthier individuals that can function better in everyday life. I believe that as many industries have adopted the work-from-home philosophy and many corporate industries are overloaded with work, still building on recovering from covid, this new style of training creates healthy individuals and healthy employees.
Want to try this new style of training? Here is a workout below:
EMOM 8min 2/8 Calorie Row 2 Bear Complexes (20kg/15kg) 20 Shoulder Taps 10 Strict Press |
Strict Press 4 sets x 3 Reps Complete 20 reps (bar only) between sets |
16 x Alternating Dumbbell Snatch 20 x Dumbbell Lateral Raises 20 x American Kettlebell Swings |
3 Rounds Of 250m Row 20 DB Cleans 250m Row 10 Burpee Pull-ups |